Program Highlights
Meet the Instructor

My name is Stephanie Schwartz. I’ve been a teacher with the PreETS Self Awareness and Self Advocacy Program and the Connect Program since 2019. I love working with our students to help them explore their strengths and weaknesses and uncover what makes them important. With every class my students teach me about the world through the eyes of the youth today, and I hope I provide to them a little insight into how they can contribute to the world around them.
Outside of my work, I am a Scoutmaster for a boy troop of 18 youth, in the Scouts BSA. My husband, Greg, and I kayak as often as possible and I have a collection of succulents and cacti that I work hard to keep growing. I love being outdoors in all weather except the cold, dark winter, when I embrace the bear in me and hibernate with a book, a fire and the company of Greg, my 4 cats and my dog.
The Connect Program for Teens and Young Adults
It’s been a long time coming and we know that you have been patient! While originally scheduled to begin again this summer plans for the reestablishment of our long awaited Connect Program for Teens and Young Adults is now planned to begin again this fall. We have been working hard to establish new funding options for this program and hope to make some exciting announcements about open registration across multiple counties in the months ahead. Stay tuned!
PreETS Self-Awareness and Self-Advocacy Training Program

Self Awareness and Self Advocacy Training is a collaborative partnership program between The IMAGE Center and The Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS).
What benefit does this training provide?
● Empowerment for teens and young adults to explore skills of self awareness and self advocacy as they relate to either college preparation or vocational exploration.
● Information on disability disclosure, rights and accommodations related to college bound and career bound students.
● Personalized goal setting and skill building in relation to increased independent living.
● Student and family resources for all future outcomes.
Who is eligible for this FREE training?
Students enrolled in a secondary school (including home school or other alternative secondary education program)post-secondary education program, or other recognized educational program and has not exited, graduated, or withdrawn.
Students at least 14 years old but less than age 22
Students with a disability documented with an IEP, 504 plan, medical records, or a doctor’s note.
To learn more about SASA training please contact:
Jessica Leone, Director for Teen and Young Adult Services
at The IMAGE Center
443-275-9396 or jleone@imagemd.org
All registrants will need a direct referral from DORS to get started:
Already connected with a DORS counselor?
Message Jleone@imagemd.org and contact your counselor directly and ask for a referral for the PreETS Training provided by The IMAGE Center.
Not yet connected with DORS?
Message Jleone@imagemd.org and follow the link to request a referral. A case file for referral will be created for you and you should be contacted by DORS within 10 days.
*Schools may seek permission from families to refer students directly*
Independent Living Skills Training

Designed to teach individuals with disabilities the skills necessary for acquiring, maintaining, or increasing their independence. Individual training is provided in areas such as personal assistant management, building self-esteem, money management, navigating one’s environment, and self-advocacy. All of our skills training is directed by the consumer and what aligns with his, her, or their goals. Please know that this is a popular service, so at this time there is a waiting list for skills training.
If you have questions about independent living skills training or would like to sign up for our waiting list, please email ilskills@imagemd.org or call 443-320-4008.
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