Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Changing Font Displays in Editable Documents

Updated as of September 7, 2024.

Microsoft Word Documents

Windows OS

Open the Font menu: Control + D

Choose different font

  • Tab down to Font
  • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
  • Press “enter” to select a font

Choose different font style

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Control + B
      • Italic: Control + I
      • Underline: Control + U
  • From the Font menu:
    • Tab down to Font Style window
    • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu (regular, bold, italic, underline)
    • Press “enter” to make a selection

Choose different font size

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Increase font size: Control + right bracket à ]
      • Decrease font size: Control + left bracket à [
  • From the Font menu:
    • Tab down to Size window
    • Type in a number (or arrow up or down)
    • Press “enter” to make your selection

Expand the font

  • From the Font menu, press Alt + V
  • Tab twice (to the “Spacing” window)
  • Arrow down to “Expanded”
  • Tab to “By” window
  • Type in a number (or arrow up or down) to choose level of expansion
  • Press “enter” to make your selection


Open the Font menu: Command + D

Choose different font

  • Tab down to Font
  • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
  • Press “enter” to select a font

Choose different font style

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Command + B
      • Italic: Command + I
      • Underline: Command + U
  • From the Font menu:
    • Tab down to Font Style window
    • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu (regular, bold, italic, underline)
    • Press “enter” to make a selection

Choose different font size

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Increase font size: Command + Shift + right angle bracket à >
      • Decrease font size: Command + Shift + left angle bracket à <
  • From the Font menu:
    • Tab down to Size window
    • Type in a number (or arrow up or down)
    • Press “enter” to make your selection

Expand the font

  • From the Font menu, press Command + Shift + Tab, then V
  • Tab twice (to the “Spacing” window)
  • Arrow down to “Expanded”
  • Tab to “By” window
  • Type in a number (or arrow up or down) to choose level of expansion
  • Press “enter” to make your selection

See also: Microsoft’s web page: Change the spaces between text

Google Documents

Note: Google Docs does not have the same level of keyboard access that Microsoft Word does.

Windows OS

Choose different font

  • Must place the mouse on the font name on the toolbar
  • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
  • Press “enter” to select a font

Choose different font style

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Control + B
      • Italic: Control + I
      • Underline: Control + U
  • From the Format menu:
    • Alt + Shift + O
    • Arrow down to Text
    • Hit “enter”
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Control + B
      • Italic: Control + I
      • Underline: Control + U

Choose different font size

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Increase font size: Control + Shift + period (.)
      • Decrease font size: Control + Shift + comma (,)
  • From the Format menu:
    • Alt + Shift + O
    • Arrow down to Text
    • Hit “enter”
    • Hit “O”
    • Arrow up and down between increase and decrease font size
    • Hit “enter”

Expand the font

  • Not available in Google Docs
  • “Verdana” is a font included in Google Docs that is somewhat expanded versus other fonts

mac OS

Choose different font

  • Must place the mouse on the font name on the toolbar
  • Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
  • Press “enter” to select a font

Choose different font style

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Command + B
      • Italic: Command + I
      • Underline: Command + U
  • From the Format menu:
    • Alt + Shift + O
    • Arrow down to Text
    • Hit “enter”
    • Choose a function:
      • Bold: Command + B
      • Italic: Command + I
      • Underline: Command + U

Choose different font size

  • In the document:
    • Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
    • Choose a function:
      • Increase font size: Command + Shift + period (.)
      • Decrease font size: Command + Shift + comma (,)
  • From the Format menu:
    • Control + Option + O
    • Arrow down to Text
    • Hit “enter”
    • Hit “O”
    • Arrow up and down between increase and decrease font size
    • Hit “enter”

Expand the font

  • Not available in Google Docs
  • “Verdana” is a font included in Google Docs that is somewhat expanded versus other fonts

Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information

This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.

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