Bridges Resource Library

All About ABLE Accounts

Updated as of September 6, 2024.

ABLE Documents

Bridges Maryland ABLE Account Frequently Asked Questions

Maryland ABLE Account Enrollment Form

Maryland ABLE Account Contribution Form

About ABLE Accounts

ABLE accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save money without losing eligibility for government benefits. ABLE accounts provide an inexpensive and uncomplicated way to save funds for many individuals with disabilities.

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library What Are ABLE Accounts entry.

Benefits of ABLE Accounts

  • Savings without the loss of SSI and other benefits
  • Tax-free earnings and distributions
  • Gifts made to the ABLE account are not included as income for SSI
  • Some contributions can be deducted from Maryland income tax
  • Not included on your FAFSA

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library Benefits of ABLE Accounts entry.

Qualification for an ABLE Account

  • Disability
  • Age of disability onset
  • Authorized to open the account

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library Who Qualifies for an ABLE Account? entry.

Spending ABLE Account Funds  

  • Qualified Distribution Expenses (QDEs)
  • Getting money out of your ABLE account
  • ABLE distributions are not income

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library How Can ABLE Account Funds Be Spent? entry.

Putting Money into an ABLE Account

  • Annual limit
  • Special additional annual contributions
  • Total limit

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library How Much Money Can Go into an ABLE Account? entry.

Setting Up an ABLE Account

Check out the Bridges Resource Library How Do I Set Up an ABLE Account? entry.

Additional Information About ABLE Accounts

  • Where can I set up an ABLE account?
  • How many ABLE accounts may I have?
  • Investment options available
  • Minimums and fees

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library What Else Should I Know About ABLE Accounts? entry.

Words of Warning About ABLE Accounts

  • Risk of asset forfeiture upon death – but not in Maryland
  • College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile
  • Using ABLE funds for unqualified purposes

Find out more in the Bridges Resource Library Words of Warning About ABLE Accounts entry.

Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information

This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.

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