Updated as of September 7, 2024.
Microsoft Word Documents
Windows OS
Open the Font menu: Control + D
Choose different font
- Tab down to Font
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
- Press “enter” to select a font
Choose different font style
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Control + B
- Italic: Control + I
- Underline: Control + U
- From the Font menu:
- Tab down to Font Style window
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu (regular, bold, italic, underline)
- Press “enter” to make a selection
Choose different font size
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Increase font size: Control + right bracket à ]
- Decrease font size: Control + left bracket à [
- From the Font menu:
- Tab down to Size window
- Type in a number (or arrow up or down)
- Press “enter” to make your selection
Expand the font
- From the Font menu, press Alt + V
- Tab twice (to the “Spacing” window)
- Arrow down to “Expanded”
- Tab to “By” window
- Type in a number (or arrow up or down) to choose level of expansion
- Press “enter” to make your selection
Open the Font menu: Command + D
Choose different font
- Tab down to Font
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
- Press “enter” to select a font
Choose different font style
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Command + B
- Italic: Command + I
- Underline: Command + U
- From the Font menu:
- Tab down to Font Style window
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu (regular, bold, italic, underline)
- Press “enter” to make a selection
Choose different font size
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Increase font size: Command + Shift + right angle bracket à >
- Decrease font size: Command + Shift + left angle bracket à <
- From the Font menu:
- Tab down to Size window
- Type in a number (or arrow up or down)
- Press “enter” to make your selection
Expand the font
- From the Font menu, press Command + Shift + Tab, then V
- Tab twice (to the “Spacing” window)
- Arrow down to “Expanded”
- Tab to “By” window
- Type in a number (or arrow up or down) to choose level of expansion
- Press “enter” to make your selection
See also: Microsoft’s web page: Change the spaces between text
Google Documents
Note: Google Docs does not have the same level of keyboard access that Microsoft Word does.
Windows OS
Choose different font
- Must place the mouse on the font name on the toolbar
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
- Press “enter” to select a font
Choose different font style
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Control + B
- Italic: Control + I
- Underline: Control + U
- From the Format menu:
- Alt + Shift + O
- Arrow down to Text
- Hit “enter”
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Control + B
- Italic: Control + I
- Underline: Control + U
Choose different font size
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Control and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Increase font size: Control + Shift + period (.)
- Decrease font size: Control + Shift + comma (,)
- From the Format menu:
- Alt + Shift + O
- Arrow down to Text
- Hit “enter”
- Hit “O”
- Arrow up and down between increase and decrease font size
- Hit “enter”
Expand the font
- Not available in Google Docs
- “Verdana” is a font included in Google Docs that is somewhat expanded versus other fonts
mac OS
Choose different font
- Must place the mouse on the font name on the toolbar
- Arrow down or up the dropdown menu
- Press “enter” to select a font
Choose different font style
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Command + B
- Italic: Command + I
- Underline: Command + U
- From the Format menu:
- Alt + Shift + O
- Arrow down to Text
- Hit “enter”
- Choose a function:
- Bold: Command + B
- Italic: Command + I
- Underline: Command + U
Choose different font size
- In the document:
- Select the text (hold down Command and Shift while arrowing left, right, up, or down)
- Choose a function:
- Increase font size: Command + Shift + period (.)
- Decrease font size: Command + Shift + comma (,)
- From the Format menu:
- Control + Option + O
- Arrow down to Text
- Hit “enter”
- Hit “O”
- Arrow up and down between increase and decrease font size
- Hit “enter”
Expand the font
- Not available in Google Docs
- “Verdana” is a font included in Google Docs that is somewhat expanded versus other fonts
Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information
- Our Accessible web form
- Email: Helpdesk@imagemd.org
- Text: Send to: (410) 357-1546
- Voice mail: Call (410) 357-1546, leave a voice mail message, and we will return your call
This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.