Bridges Resource Library

JAWS Voice Assistant Voice Commands

Updated as of September 5, 2024.

The following are examples of supported and suggested voice commands to perform various actions. Practice and try your own variations of these commands. Remember to say “Sharky” or press INSERT+ALT+SPACEBAR before speaking each command.

General Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Display Voice Assistant help topic           Help

Say the time What time is it?

Say the date What is today’s date?

Display the Window List dialog box         Window list

Display the Select a System Tray Icon dialog box        System tray

Speak the battery level and network connection status           Battery

Speak the most recent Windows notification      Notification

Display the Commands Search dialog box        Command search

Turn Keyboard Help on/off           Toggle keyboard help

Display the Keyboard Manager dialog box         Keyboard Manager

Display the Dictionary Manager dialog box        Dictionary Manager

Display the Settings Center dialog box    Settings

Display the Braille Math Editor      Math editor

Turn the Screen Shade on or off   Screen shade

Turn Audio Ducking on or off        Audio ducking

Turn Braille Viewer on or off         Braille viewer

Turn Text Viewer on or off Text viewer

Tell a joke     Tell me a Joke

Voice Commands for Selecting Text

To perform this action… Say this command…

Begin selecting a block of text      Start selection

Select all text between your current location and where you marked the start of the selection   Finish selection

Say currently selected text Read selection

Return to start of selection Return to marked place

Append selected text to the clipboard      Append

Speech Settings Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Temporarily increase the voice rate        Speak faster

Temporarily decrease the voice rate       Speak slower

Temporarily set the voice rate to a specific number      Voice rate [number] (Example, voice rate 50.)

Toggle between Speech On Demand and Full Speech Speech on demand

Display the Select a Voice Profile dialog box     Voice profile

Route JAWS speech left and current application audio right          Speech left or Sound left

Route JAWS speech right and current application audio left          Speech right or Sound right

Restore sound balance to the default      Speech balance or Sound balance

Cursors Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Use the JAWS Cursor        JAWS Cursor

Use the PC Cursor  PC Cursor

Use the Touch Cursor        Touch Cursor

Turn the Virtual PC cursor on or off         Virtual PC cursor

Convenient OCR Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

OCR the selected file         OCR file

OCR the currently opened PDF file         OCR PDF

OCR the current window    OCR window

OCR the screen      OCR screen

OCR the current control     OCR control

OCR from a camera OCR camera

OCR from a scanner          OCR scanner

Stop the OCR          Stop OCR

Speech History Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Display the JAWS speech history Show speech history

Copy speech history to clipboard  Copy speech history

Clear the speech history    Clear speech history

Web Pages Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Display the list of links        List links

Display the list of headings List headings

Display the list of graphics  List graphics

Display the list of tables     List tables

Display the list of form fields         List form fields

Next glance highlight          Move to next glance highlight

Previous glance highlight   Move to previous glance highlight

Display the list of glance highlights          List glance highlights

Announce address of currently selected link      Tell me the address

Assign a custom label        Custom label

Word Navigation Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Display the list of links        List links

Display the list of graphics  List graphics

Display the list of comments         List comments

Go to the first comment      First comment

Go to the next comment     Next comment

Go to the previous comment        Previous comment

Go to the last comment      Last comment

Display the list of grammatical errors      List grammatical errors

Go to the next grammatical error  Next grammatical error

Go to the previous grammatical error      Previous grammatical error

Display the list of spelling errors   List spelling errors

Go to the next spelling error         Next spelling error

Go to the previous spelling error   Previous spelling error

Display the list of headings List headings

Go to the first heading        First heading

Go to the next heading       Next heading

Go to the previous heading Previous heading

Go to the last heading        Last heading

Display the list of tables     List tables

Go to the first table  First table

Go to the next table Next table

Go to the previous table     Previous table

Go to the last table  Last table

Go to the first page  First page

Go to the next page Next page

Go to the previous page     Previous page

Go to the last page  Last page

Display the list of form fields         List form fields

Go to the first form field      First field

Go to the next form field     Next field

Go to the previous form field         Previous field

Go to the last form field      Last field

Go to the first section         First section

Go to the next section        Next section

Go to the previous section Previous section

Go to the last section         Last section

Set temporary PlaceMarker in document Set PlaceMarker

Open the Math Viewer       Math viewer

General Outlook Navigation Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Go to the Calendar view     Calendar

Go to the Messages view   Messages

Go to the Contacts view     Contacts

Go to the Tasks view         Tasks

Go to the Notes view         Notes

Navigating Outlook Messages Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Go to Attachments   Attachments

Announce address of currently selected link      Tell me the address

Display the list of links        List links

Display the list of headings List headings

Go to the first heading        First heading

Go to the next heading       Next heading

Go to the previous heading Previous heading

Go to the last heading        Last heading

Display the list of graphics  List graphics

Display the list of tables     List tables

Go to the first table  First table

Go to the next table Next table

Go to the previous table     Previous table

Go to the last table  Last table

Display the list of form fields         List form fields

Go to the first form field      First field

Go to the next form field     Next field

Go to the previous form field         Previous field

Go to the last form field      Last field

Move to the next reply in an open email message thread          Next reply

Move to the previous reply in an open email message thread          Previous reply

Editing Outlook Messages Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Grammatical errors

Display the list of grammatical errors      List grammatical errors

Go to the next grammatical error  Next grammatical error

Go to the previous grammatical error      Previous grammatical error

Spelling errors

Display the list of spelling errors   List spelling errors

Go to the next spelling error         Next spelling error

Go to the previous spelling error   Previous spelling error

Support and Troubleshooting Voice Commands

To perform this action… Say this command…

Start or end a Tandem session     Tandem

Display text of current control in Virtual Viewer  Virtualize control

Copy text of current control to clipboard  Copy control

Display text of current window in Virtual Viewer Virtualize window

Copy text of current window to clipboard Copy Window

Announce application version details      Say version

Display application version details in Virtual Viewer     Virtualize version info

Copy application version details to clipboard      Copy version info

Close and restart JAWS     Restart JAWS

Voice Commands for Fusion

To perform this action… Say this command…

Increase magnification Bigger or Zoom in

Decrease magnification Smaller or Zoom out

Enable magnification Magnification on

Disable magnification Magnification off

Set magnification to a specific level Speak the number you want (example, 2)

Toggle Color Enhancements Color

Toggle Pointer/Mouse Enhancements Pointer or Mouse

Toggle Cursor Enhancements Cursor

Toggle Focus Enhancements Focus

Call the Quick Access Bar into view Quick access

Close and restart Fusion Restart Fusion

Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information

This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.

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