Assessment Accommodations Bridges Resource Library

Guide to IB and Cambridge Credit-Earning Exam Accommodations for Blind/Low Vision for Students in Maryland

Updated as of September 19, 2024.

Accessibility and Exemption Information References

Cambridge Handbook 2024

  • “We are committed to equality of opportunity for candidates, in accordance with current UK legislation in relation to all protected characteristics, including but not limited to gender, ethnic origin, religion, gender reassignment, age and disability.” page 20 of Cambridge Handbook 2024
  • Section 1.3 Access arrangements, pages 32-46 of Cambridge Handbook 2024
  • Also sets forth deadlines for application for accommodations

Special educational needs (downloadable PDF)

Access Arrangements web page

Accommodations Available (based on published reference materials)

Paper testing


Tactile Graphics

Enlarged print

Magnification with digital magnifier (CCTV)

  • Might be AVAILABLE
  • Section, page 41 Cambridge Handbook 2024 under the topic “Supplementary aids” (“Visual aids: if a candidate has a visual impairment you may allow them to use visual aids, for example, a magnifying glass, tinted glasses, coloured overlays, tactile rulers or reading rulers.”)

Digital testing

Screen magnifier

  • Might be AVAILABLE
  • Section, page 41 Cambridge Handbook 2024 under the topic “Supplementary aids” (“Visual aids: if a candidate has a visual impairment you may allow them to use visual aids, for example, a magnifying glass, tinted glasses, coloured overlays, tactile rulers or reading rulers.”)

Screen reader

  • Might be AVAILABLE
  • Section, page 41 Cambridge Handbook 2024 under the topic “Supplementary aids” (“Visual aids: if a candidate has a visual impairment you may allow them to use visual aids, for example, a magnifying glass, tinted glasses, coloured overlays, tactile rulers or reading rulers.”)

Refreshable braille display

Human Reader

Scribe/Dictated response

Student responds via assistive technology, such as a word processor

Braille Notetaker for student response

Braille Writer for student response

Calculator on Calculator-allowed portions of test

Calculator on NO Calculator-allowed portions of test

  • Does not appear to be AVAILABLE
  • If needed, consider requesting an exception for audio output: Section, page 41 Cambridge Handbook 2024 under the topic “Supplementary aids”

If Additional Accommodations are Needed

  • If needed, consider requesting an exception for audio output: Section, page 41 Cambridge Handbook 2024 under the topic “Supplementary aids”

Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information

This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.

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