Teen Blog

Awesome Connections By Karissa Phillips

For many of you who came out to Connect in Harford County it was the first time you met Jonny Hudson. But I already had the privilege of knowing this amazing man! He was a Missionary at my church when I was little! I truly look up to him! He amazes me!  I’m proud to […]

Teen Blog

Christmas shopping together by Karissa Phillips

we had a great time last night at the mall! Our friends at Image enjoyed eachothers company,buying gifts and learning how to be more independent. There was smIles and pure joy  going around our group last night! KarIssa Phillips

Teen Blog

Power Of Music By Karissa Phillips

Have you ever had one of those days where your down? I have let me share with you what I do to make myself feel good again I turn my radio on to 95.1 Shine Fm! Shine Fm plays inspirational music! I laugh at the funny things they say and listen to the touching music! […]

Teen Blog

Don’t be Afraid to Explain your Disability! by Karissa Phillips

I notice the Stares that people who are disabled get . What if we all were a little bit bolder in explaining our disability to people? That way there’s more awareness so people will give us the respect we deserve! For some people you might be the first disabled person that they have meet and […]

Teen Blog

Extending Gratitude This Holiday Season!

Some of the participants of our Teen Connect program made purchases of nonperishable food items over the Thanksgiving holiday in the hopes of extending gratitude to those less fortunate. All food items were delivered to the Manna House Food Pantry of the Bel Air United Methodist Church where they will be utilized in the weekly […]