Teen Blog

UMBC SUCCESS Students Assuming Multiple Roles for Learning

Pictured to the right UMBC SUCCESS student Chloe assumed the role of both student and teacher in todays lesson on healthy eating. A large part of the IMAGE course on Independent Living this semester encourages students to further their learning of curriculum by not only retaining the information that is taught, but extending that learning […]

Teen Blog

Kick off for the fall program: by Karissa Phillips

         I’m involved in the Harford county teen connect Image program .We have lots of fun together. We usually meet every other week and plan an outing for our group. I am so glad to be a part of this group because it helps me gain confidence in my disability knowing that I’m […]


Meet Marvin Dawkins: Peer Outreach Specialist, Peer Mentor

Marvin made three attempts to leave the nursing facility before he was able to move to his own home in the community. There were many difficulties and complications along the way. At first, the court told Marvin his income was too high to qualify for services in the community through the waiver program. The second […]

Teen Blog

Hi I’m Karissa

I’m 17 years old and I have CP which is caused by Brian Damage at birth. I’ve been with Image since the beginning it has taught me a lot and i’m so glad to work for them!  What I like to do is take photos of people mainly of kids, visit family members, listen to music and be […]

Teen Blog

Welcome to our new Teen Intern Karissa Phillips

IMAGE would like to invite our teen and young adult community in welcoming our long term program participant Karissa Phillips as she joins IMAGE as our new Social Media Update Intern. Karissa will be updating the IMAGE community with up to date social information for our teen and young adults. Look forward to hearing much […]