Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Meeting Braille Music Needs

Updated as of September 14, 2024. Scenario: Student cannot visually access music notation, even when that notation is enlarged. Strategy: Advocate for access to music notation for all students, including braille readers Why is it important to read music? Beginning in elementary school, sighted students learn and use print musical notation, and this is done […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Sources of Accessible Curricular Materials

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Overview Blind/low vision students need curricular materials that they can access as efficiently, as effectively, and with comparable sustainability as the curricular materials provided to their non-disabled peers. On-time, all-the-time access to the materials their non-disabled counterparts use is required for all students with disabilities, regardless of whether they […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Concerns About Chromebooks for Blind/Low Vision Students

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Scenario: District uses Chromebooks for all students and does not want to provide a Windows OS laptop for your blind/low vision student. Overview The U.S. Department of Education has issued regulatory guidance regarding the civil rights of students with disabilities under Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Accessible Resources for Math

Updated as of September 14, 2024. Overview Please find below information about the tactile drawing board and some math resources. There are also many science resources available in the Bridges Resource Library’s Resources For Secondary Science Classes Reading Room entry.   Scenarios and Strategies Scenario: Blind/low-vision students resisting the use of accessible tools and techniques […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Changing Font Displays in Editable Documents

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Microsoft Word Documents Windows OS Open the Font menu: Control + D Choose different font Choose different font style Choose different font size Expand the font macOS Open the Font menu: Command + D Choose different font Choose different font style Choose different font size Expand the font See […]