Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Maryland-Specific Laws Controlling Braille and Orientation and Mobility Assessments and Instruction

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Scenario: Prior to assessments being performed, district and/or family members believe that the blind/low vision student does not need braille or orientation and mobility instruction. Braille instruction Both federal and Mayland law require that children who have IEPs for “visual impairment, including blindness” MUST be taught braille unless the […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Sample Goals for Secondary Transition Self-Advocacy

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Measurable Annual IEP Compliance Self-Advocacy Goal When given the opportunity to self-advocate with his classroom teachers regarding specific accommodations and/or modifications relevant to materials (documents, videos, posters, etc.) provided to non-disabled peers, STUDENT will communicate with the classroom teacher instances where his IEP-required accessibility-related accommodations and/or modifications were not […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Sample Goal and Data Collection Tool for JAWS Voice Assistant Commands

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Measurable Annual JAWS Voice Command Goal In one-on-one instruction with the Teacher of Students with Blindness/Visual Impairments, when utilizing a computer with the screen reader JAWS, STUDENT will score a minimum total of 286 (average of 4.4 per task) in three out of four consecutive bi-weekly running records on […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Accessible Chemistry Resources

Updated as of September 14, 2024. Periodic Table Tools Azer’s Interactive Periodic Table Study Set (Nemeth) This interactive periodic table study set is designed to make learning about the Periodic Table of the Elements accessible to students with visual impairments and blindness. The tangible materials included with this study set complement APH’s Periodic Table of […]

Bridges Resource Library Crossing Bridges Together: Secondary Transition In the Field, A Reading Room For Educators

Assessing and Meeting Accessible Assistive Technology Needs

Updated as of September 7, 2024. Scenario: New students without requisite technology skills A student has moved into your district from another state or country. This student has little to no experience with non-visual/low vision tools and techniques. The student needs these skills to meaningfully engage in all classroom and homework activities. Strategies to combat […]