September 17, 2021
Second Beginning Is BACK!!!!
Support group for nursing facility residents and people with disabilities living in the community. Join Our Social Hours. All are welcome and it’s free!
If you are:
- Wanting to MEET New People
- In a Nursing Facility and want to know about your Options
- Living on your own after a nursing home /rehabilitation stay
- Looking for guidance and support from others who have “been there”
- Not sure you can “do it” and be successful
- In need of getting and giving encouragement from your peers
- Ready to get your life back again
Please join The IMAGE Center Every Third Friday of each month. Connect from your telephone, Smartphone, Android or IPhone, IPad, IPod, Laptop or Desktop Computer!
Prior to the meeting download Zoom!
For more information or if you need assistance, Call Crystal at 443-219-7407. If you don’t have a personal phone or access to a computer, call for help!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 3454 7591 Password: 530886
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