News from IMAGE Teen and Young Adult Programs January 2022
The New Year doesn’t feel so new, but were still here together!
As we approached 2022 many of us have had daydreams of life back to “normal”. While the reality is that this newest year has not quite gotten us there yet there are still ways that we can adapt to keep life enjoyable and moving forward for ourselves and the one’s around us. We hope this month’s newsletter helps you to realize that we are still all here, together, no matter the circumstance. We will keep moving forward. We will keep learning. We will keep growing. More importantly we will keep engaging. We will keep laughing. We will keep showing up. Cheers to 2022!
Our Current Reality
Our teen and young adult programs here at IMAGE were bursting at the seams excited to end the year with higher requests for in person learning sessions and our hybrid learning options were giving students and their families wonderful options for both virtual and in person opportunities. Unfortunately, extending COVID numbers began cancelling out many of our in person sessions as we began approaching this new year. As much as we idolize our rock star students, staff and families none of them have been immune to this nasty virus. We don’t have the answers, but our only goal remains to keep everyone learning and to keep everyone safe. With the majority of our programs being community based our options for restrictions are extremely varied at this time as you can imagine. With more and more students accessing our programs we certainly do not want to limit our programming options for students based on smaller group sizes. With all of these things in mind you will see that once again our upcoming teen and young adult programs will be virtual and that’s okay. We are still here. We are going to continue to provide learning opportunities to as many students as possible no matter what this virus has to say about it. So stay with us. We, as always, are monitoring the best options for everyone. We continue to hear each and everyone of you. We know that our community is extraordinary and that at times we have to weigh many extraordinary considerations. So we will continue to do that. Together we will keep moving forward even if sometimes it feels like we are moving backwards!
Peer Mentor Spotlight

Winter Application is OPEN!
Applications for students wishing to become Peer Mentors for the Winter session of the Connect program are now open.
Interested in applying for Peer Mentorship?
This winter Peer Mentors will have the opportunity to work alongside student interns from Towson University in addition to participation in the Connect Program. Peer Mentors will engage in both zoom training sessions, as well as peer mentor opportunities within our Connect program.
Questions? Email Jessica Leone at
Celebrating Fearless Moments
At IMAGE we encourage our teens and young adults to step outside of their comfort zone to reach their greatest potential. One way that we do that is by reminding students that is okay to be unapologetically themselves, fearless of who they are and what others may or may not think of them. We hope this month’s celebration of fearlessness past and present inspires you to celebrate yourself and all that you contribute to the world around you!
Here is to being FEARLESSLY you today!

Upcoming Events

Registering now for our virtual winter sessions!
Session Dates: 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12, 4/26 and 5/10.
The Connect Program is a program that empowers teens and young adults with disabilities to step outside of their comfort zone, make connections with their community, build social experiences and recognize and achieve skills needed for increased independence in adulthood. These skills include money management, time management, social and communication skills, personal hygiene, meal planning and decision making skills just to name a few.
Contact learn more.
Click here to Register

Registration now open for sessions starting in February!
Want to be referred for this program?
Contact Jessica Leone for information
The Self Awareness & Self Advocacy Training program through DORS is a five week program utilizing curriculum designed to empower teens with disabilities to explore areas of self awareness and promote the importance of self advocacy to enhance the overall independence and vocational opportunity of each student. During this program students will work with professional staff from The IMAGE Center to begin to engage in curriculum addressing Self Awareness & Advocacy, Disclosing Disability, Rights, Future Outlook, Transition Outlook and Utilizing Resources.
Contact learn more.