Bridges Resource Library

Accessible Electronic Game Directories

Updated as of June 11, 2024.

These directories compile information about games, player reviews, and links for obtaining the games yourself. is a crowd-sourced, rated list of free and for-purchase games that are accessible to blind gamers. From the site: “The focus of this site is to provide a list of games accessible to blind players, sorted by average community rating so that you can quickly find the best games. Players can rate games and write reviews so that others can learn more about a game they may be interested in playing.”

  • “You can even mark reviews as helpful or not, so that the most helpful reviews will show up first.”
  • “The site focuses on allowing the community to update much of its content so that it never becomes stale.”
  • “You can also find games written by Ian Reed or the JGT addon for NVDA that allows you to play Japanese games in English in a very smooth and seamless manner.”

“If you’re looking for a place to chat or ask questions about games, try the forum. If you’re having trouble finding an old abandoned game try the Audio Games Archive. If you’re missing the late Jim Kitchen’s website, check out the backup Aprone kindly preserved and maintains. Games List

This list provides extensive information about many audio games. Each game listed has the following information provided:

  • Title of game
  • Page of the website (example: “Homepage” link)
  • Download (link or indication that there is no download available)
  • License (example: retail, freeware, shareware, etc.)
  • Genre
  • Publisher
  • Last update
  • Release date Game Database

This page lets us:

  • Search games by Keyword (example: curb, freeware)
  • Search game descriptions by Keyword
  • Show all games from one developer (search using dropdown list)
  • Display games by genre (search using dropdown list)
  • Display games by license (search using dropdown list) Forum

This is a one-stop shop for diverse and insightful discussions about audio games. The Forum has forums where players can brag about accomplishments and challenge one another in gameplay. Other forums provide spaces for game developers and news about gaming. There’s even an “Off-topic Room” inviting users to “Tell us about anything other than spam…” Note, you must complete a free Forum registration to post to the forum pages.

The Audiogames Archive

“The goal of the audiogames archive is to be a central place where abandoned, rare, or old versions of newer games can be found. Basically, we’re trying to be an answer to the question ‘can somebody send me game x, I can’t find it anymore?’” From About the archive web page. If you are interested in this resource, please review the About the archive web page. It contains valuable information about the contents of the archive and how to access them. Check out the Developers list for links to downloads of the games.

Top Tech Tidbits Blind and Visually Impaired Technology Game Directory

This crowd-sourced directory provides information about more than just accessibility; users rate the games on enjoyment level. Directory listings also include the platform of game use, links to get the game, and a narrative about game play.

AppleVis Gaming Blog

This crowd-sourced information hub provides great information from actual users of VoiceOver on iOS and macOS. Check out other areas of AppleVis for great, real-user guidance and support.

Contact the Bridges Helpdesk for More Information

This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services.

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