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Event Recap: Celebrating the Origins of the ADA

On July 10, the IMAGE Center celebrated Disability Pride Month and the ADA’s 34th anniversary with a powerful panel discussion on its impact and future.

On July 10, the IMAGE Center celebrated Disability Pride Month and the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act with the July installment of our IMAGE Wellness Series. We heard from a distinguished panel of longtime advocates and IMAGE Center colleagues who shared their perspectives on the impact of the ADA, the advocacy that has taken place since, and what still needs to be done to reach the ideals for which this landmark law stands. We then engaged in a lively discussion between the panelists, panel moderator Chris Nusbaum, and our audience.

The Past Meets the Present

Our panelists were Mike Bullis, founding executive director of the IMAGE Center; Jannis Jackson, chairwoman of our Board of Directors; and Jim McCarthy, IMAGE Center board member. The panelists shared their personal experiences and backgrounds as advocates, discussing the history of the ADA and the hard work it took for legislators and the public to recognize the need for accessibility legislation. However, they acknowledged that the work that began with ADA advocacy is far from over. We discussed the many physical barriers wheelchair users still face when accessing buildings, as well as the numerous electronic accessibility barriers affecting people with disabilities.

Looking to the Future

During our interactive discussion, much of the conversation focused on how to get young people involved in ADA advocacy. Panelists and audience members agreed that advocacy is ultimately personal, so we should emphasize how inaccessibility affects individuals, including young people. We can also leverage social media to make the ADA more popular.

Check Out the Event

This event sparked a stimulating discussion among all participants. Watch the recording on our YouTube channel and view the transcript here. We thank our panelists for leading a thought-provoking dialogue celebrating the impact of this landmark law protecting the rights of people with disabilities. Follow our website and social media to stay informed about and attend our Wellness Series events.