Covid-19 Public Health Awareness

Create Calm Self Care Yoga Recap

In June, we partnered with Create Calm Yoga and Mindfulness for an incredible Self Care Yoga event focused on relaxation and self-care. Read our new blog post to learn about the highlights!

For the month of June our wellness event was Self Care Yoga in partnership with Create Calm Yoga and Mindfulness. I have done yoga a few times but this was very enjoyable. Our Instructor Mary Lynn Mellinger really helped us get a good stretch so much so I could have used a nap after.

In our fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and connection can be a challenge. Yoga, at its core, is about union—connecting mind, body, and spirit, but also connecting with others.

You may know that yoga is a very ancient practice, it goes back millennia, back to the ancient Yogis who would sit for hours in meditation.  They learned that if they started to stretch their ligaments, their muscles during this time of inactivity, that they could sit in meditation for even longer.  So that’s where yoga comes from.

This event reminded us all of the importance of taking time for self-care and connecting with others on our wellness journeys.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, events like these offer a wonderful opportunity to deepen your practice, meet like-minded individuals, and celebrate the holistic benefits of yoga. I am look forward to joining Create Calm at another yoga event, ready to stretch, breathe, and grow together. Namaste.

About Create Calm and our Instructor Mary Lynn Mellinger

INSTRUCTOR: Your therapeutic yoga instructor, Mary Lynn Mellinger, has been teaching yoga since 2011. She believes that every student can be successful in yoga as long as they approach their practice with joy. She has her 200-hour teacher certification in Hatha Yoga and has dedicated her teaching to working with neurodiverse and differently-abled youth and adults. Her passion is helping people connect with their own power to feel strong and healthy.

Create Calm is a nonprofit dedicated to developing healthier, happier communities through mindfulness- based behavioral health education.  They bring yoga experiences to community groups and schools all around the Maryland and DC area. 

Check out their website for more information Create Calm – Create Calm

Watch the yoga video now. Attached below are the captions.