Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Employment Resources Independent Living Resources Information Resources Series: Blind/Low Vision Consumer Groups, May 2022

Blind/Low Vision Consumer Groups—About the ACB and NFB

With summer nearly upon us, we invite you to join us as we explore the two largest blindness/low vision groups in the United States throughout the month of May. Regardless of whether you plan to participate in a convention this summer, we will cover the ins and outs of these organizations and how they can […]

Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Series: Assessment Accommodations, April 2022

Assessment Accommodations April: Guides to Testing Accommodations for Blind/Low Vision Students in Maryland

For individuals with disabilities, accommodations make the difference between access to opportunities and being shut out of those opportunities. Accommodations, while vital, vary from individual to individual and depend on many different factors. Join the Bridges Helpdesk as we explore understanding, identifying, and advocating for accommodations in the area of assessments, including quizzes and tests, […]

Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Series: Assessment Accommodations, April 2022

Assessment Accommodations April: Importance of Using Assessment Accommodations Consistently

For individuals with disabilities, accommodations make the difference between access to opportunities and being shut out of those opportunities. Accommodations, while vital, vary from individual to individual and depend on many different factors. Join the Bridges Helpdesk as we explore understanding, identifying, and advocating for accommodations in the area of assessments, including quizzes and tests, […]

Teen Blog

April 22 Newsletter Teen and Young Adult Programs

News from IMAGE Teen and Young Adult Programs March 2022 Highlights Solutions 22 is right around the corner, and we want to make it a special evening. Join us as we honor our Volunteers and Partners & Celebrate four decades of innovation of service to people with disabilities. Friday evening, April 29th. Cylburn Arboretum4915 Greenspring Ave […]

Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Series: Assessment Accommodations, April 2022

Assessment Accommodations April: Categories of Assessment Accommodations

For individuals with disabilities, accommodations make the difference between access to opportunities and being shut out of those opportunities. Accommodations, while vital, vary from individual to individual and depend on many different factors. Join the Bridges Helpdesk as we explore understanding, identifying, and advocating for accommodations in the area of assessments, including quizzes and tests, […]