
LIVE CHAT on April 6, 2020 – Mental Health

Update from April 27th:

NAMI is holding remote mental health support groups:

Thanks to everyone who joined us on our LIVE CHAT on Mental Health Resources and Tips!  For the list of resources we’ve compiled, click here!

First the Transcript from the call:

IMAGE Center Live Chat

Monday, April 6, 2020

Topic: Mental Health Resources

Amanda Taylor here from The IMAGE Center! Email:

Hi Everyone! Thanks for your patience while we work through this! Heather from the Image Center

We will be compiling resources from the call again today and we’ll be posting them on our blog. If you have any questions, please let us know!

Our Guest today is

Dr. Rebecca Wald, Minds In Focus

Kari Gorkos with the Mental Health Association of Maryland

We started with Rebecca Wald who gave a presentation similar to the one in this video from her YouTube Channel:

Transcript from the Chat Session:

From Shiffon Gray

I have a question. What about those who have family members in nursing facilities and the stress it might cause the person in the nursing facility as well as the family person that cannot see their family member in nursing facility. How does one find out if their relative in the nursing facility is not under stress and if so what can they suggest to the social worker to do for their family member. I do not have a relative in a nursing facility thinking of those who do.

From Anna Goldberg (regarding apps such as Calm for helping with sleep)many of those apps have content available for free fyi

Crystal noted that they are trying to do peer support by phone and work with individuals in facilities to get them their own phones so they can stay in touch with their families.

From Kia Cummings

Skype and DUO are great apps for folks in nursing facilities as well if helped by the facility staff.

From Me to Everyone:

Rebecca also suggested letters, recordings of music or yourself reading a book or a message and deliver that to the facility.

Question from Heather:

How can we maintain routine when the things that trigger our routines are not happening?

Rebecca suggested to create an artificial structure to help. For example, getting up and dressed like you’re going to go out. Or make arrangements with yourself to define your time such as staying out of bed during the day. If you feel your days are formless, plan an activity schedule to help put some structure in your day.

With medications – try to stay on your schedule. Set an alarm and try to get up at your usual time. This will help with any sleep issues.

Setting a phone alarm is great for remembering to take medications.

From Cheryl Gottlieb -MDH- not a question, statement. As a non-driver getting from place to place causes a tremendous amount of stress in my life 24/7. I didn’t go outside for 3 wks straight and honestly I’m relieved that there’s nowhere to go. The weight of all that stress got lifted. Just wanted to say that if people are relieved that they no longer have to deal with Mobility or MTA, that’s also a valid way to feel.

From Anna Goldberg to Everyone:

I am disabled, and I am also on the “team” Rebecca talked about for some other friends and family who are themselves disabled. Any advice for how to support the people on my team when we are all in crisis? We don’t live in the same area, and I am trying my best to advocate for them long distance, but I feel out of my depth sometimes.

From Kia Cummings to Everyone:

Just a comment: I have disabled children at home and stress is at an all-time high, I also have aging parents, so we find that keeping routine is easier if you create a mock area to do the work too. My family homeschools, and we do therapy daily; therefore, we make it a priority to schedule outside the bedroom and force ourselves to be productive with 1 activity a day.

How do you prioritize self-care if you are the caregiver?

From Angela Tyler to Everyone:

What do you recommend when you have 3 different generations and 3 different sets of needs in one home?

Rebecca suggested that everyone can help. As a caregiver try to set aside some time for yourself such as taking a walk alone or sitting outside.

Grandparents can support kids by listening to them read or their school work. Kids can support by helping with meals.

Rebecca noted that when we take care of ourselves, we are showing an example to our kids that self-care is a priority.

From Amanda Taylor to Everyone:  Can we recap the list of three things to do per day? 1. One non-screen, non-work activity. 2. Move! Find a way to be active. 3. Clean something! (Is this accurate? Please correct me if I am wrong!)

From Rebecca Wald to Everyone:

Amanda, the list I made for my family:

– work or school

– physical activity

– non-screen non-work activity

– clean something

But other things would probably appear on other people’s lists – for example, therapy exercises, etc.

Mike added that his experience was that when it was on a list, it wasn’t personal and was easier to get done. Everyone is working through their to do items on that list.

Martin Zimmerman to Everyone:

Hello, Just wanted to let people know that food stamps cases will have an additional amount for April and May (letters going out to explain this point),also no cases are being closed-,Food Stamp, TCA TDAP, also state medical assistance programs also are not being closed  (due to redets )thanks for all you do

From Anna Goldberg to Everyone

Setting clear expectations is a big part of making sure the routine or schedule is actually helpful and effective. my husband and I made one that was just one fun activity we’d do each night for every day of the week. they’re small, simple things, but it gives us something to look forward to 🙂

From Me to Everyone:  02:52 PM

Kari Gorkos with the Mental Health Association of Maryland

From Kari Gorkos to Everyone:

From Me to Everyone:

Thanks, Kari!

What about applying for SNAP as a new recipient? or if you forgot to do a redetermination over the winter? Can you reapply now?

Martin noted that even though the offices are closed, they are continuing to work remotely and people can apply online.

From Kate Wallace to Everyone

Also customer service # is 1 800 332-6347  which will connect you to local office staff.

From Me to Everyone:

If you have questions or comments, please contact Mike at

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Mike Bullis thanked everyone for calling and participating in the calls and answering questions. Please contact the IMAGE Center with questions or concerns! The office number is 410-982-6311 or via email at

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