Teen Blog

Spring Program Guides are Coming….

While the teens of IMAGE Connect are working hard to finish up the Winter 2014 session  the Spring Program Guides for April and May are being created. Stay tuned everyone!!! Bring on Spring!  

Personal Experience

Managing Expectations for Relationships

By: Meredith Ritchie It is February, the month of love, romance and sexy fun.  For people who are not in relationships, but want to be, February is a month of frustration. Relationships are seen as the solution to lots of problems; people think that if they were only in a relationship everything would be wonderful.  […]


Housing and Disability

Kathryn Wallace As an Independent Living Specialist, part of my job is to have Information and Referral sessions with consumers. During these sessions, the consumer talks about an issue they are having at the moment, and are seeking some resources to help solve the issue that they might be having. The most common reason people […]

Personal Experience

Why am I a CIL Director?

Michael Bullis I became the Executive Director of the newly created Center for Independent Living (CIL) for the Baltimore Metro area in December of 2010.  No phones, no desks, no office, no employees. Many people have asked me why I gave up a good State job that paid more, had retirement and job security, to […]

Teen Blog

Getting Out There…..My Experience in the IMAGE Teen and Young Adult Programs.

  When I first started attending the IMAGE programs it was the month of July 2011. I remember I felt uncomfortable at first. I am a very shy person, so interacting with new people and not being in my comfort zone is difficult for me.  Typically I am only comfortable in a low-key place, like […]