Since June of 2020, we have teamed up with the other Centers for Independent Living (CIL) around the State of Maryland to host a weekly chat via Zoom. Topics have covered a range of issues and we’ve been having a great time socializing with each other and learning. To register for our FREE upcoming events, visit our Registration Page!

Many of the presenters have shared their materials and resource links. Browse below for more information. You can view the full playlist on YouTube!
Monday, October 26, 2020 – Tenants’ Rights with Randi Ames from Disability Rights Maryland
Randi Ames, Staff Attorney with Disability Rights Maryland, will give an overview of tenant’s rights to reasonable accommodations. Attend and gain a greater understanding of how to request a reasonable accommodation in living situations and your rights to receive it. She will also speak about tenant’s rights in landlord/tenant evictions. This is a timely topic given the CDC eviction moratorium issued due to COVID-19 ends December 31.
Monday, October 19th – Independent Living History and Philosophy
Ami Hyten is a licensed attorney and the Executive Director at the Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (TILRC), a Center for Independent Living in Kansas. She will bring to life the Independent Living Movement history that brought advocates to the steps of the capital and ushered the Americans with Disabilities Act forward. Part history, part call to action, join us for a review of the history and philosophy of independent living.
Monday, October 5, 2020 – Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is about so much more than wearing hearing aids! Learn about hearing loss as the disability it is, the impact it has, and the technologies to improve it! This webinar dispels myths, discusses facts and reviews assistive technologies presented by life-long hearing loss expert, Jane Hager. Come join us Monday on IAM.
Featured videos in the presentation:
Online Hearing Loss Simulator Visit this website for a simulation of what individuals with hearing loss experience.