Teen Blog

Welcome Back to Ms. Amanda Taylor!

We are excited to announce the return of Amanda Taylor to our teen and young adult programs beginning this March! With lots of IMAGE experience Ms. Amanda is no stranger to some of our long time teen and young adult participants and we are excited to have her join us once again in our programs.

Teen Blog

Monday, March 12th: Program Information Night The IMAGE CENTER in collaboration with The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore and Towson University Join The IMAGE Center and the Occupational Therapy Department of Towson University for a behind the scenes discussion of our collaborative volunteer partnership with The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. Come learn more about the unexpected […]

Teen Blog

Welcome Towson Students!

Meet our newest group of Towson University Student Interns! These ladies will be working with IMAGE in our collaboration with The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore to enrich volunteer opportunities and skills for our consumers. A big welcome to these ladies as they help us dive into the next spring session at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.

Teen Blog

Join us this spring at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

  Calling all Teens and Young Adults! Do you want to build skills for greater independence, explore your interests and learn job skills in a fun, unique environment? Join IMAGE this spring in collaboration with our partner The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore and the Occupational Therapy Department of Towson University as we embark on another season of enriching and […]

Teen Blog

Karissa’s story

One of my favorite songs goes like this, ‘’if I told you my story you would hear hope and a life that wasn’t mine and if I told you my story you would hear love that never gave up!” So hear it is January 6, 1998 there were two young parents getting ready to have […]