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I AM: Monday, April 26

April 26th I AM featured Medical Professionals with expertise in Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) on COVID Vaccines and people with SCI sharing personal vaccine stories.  Join Dr. Judy Stone, Dr. Suzanne Groah and Dr. Terrence Sheehan who will answer questions and give their perspective on the vaccines.  Ian Ruder, Editor New Mobility as well as John […]

Personal Experience

“Dear God, Make Me a Bird so I Could Fly Far—Far, Far Away From Here”

Hello there. My name is Joseph Barrett.  I, like many of my readers, have a disability.  I was injured in an auto accident in 1992 and damaged my spinal cord.  I have been in a chair ever since.  More about me later. Let me tell you a story about the birds and the bees. Well, […]